
Welcome to our patient and public involvement and engagement page.

This page highlights how Mobilise-D was guided by patients throughout the duration of the project, and indeed, continues to be as we progress our work further.

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement are critically important for all research projects to make sure that the patient perspective is embedded in all stages of the process.

We could only ensure our success by working with people that the research aims to benefit.
In Mobilise-D we have worked closely alongside people with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and people recovering from hip fracture.

On this page, you will find resources about how we designed our patient and public involvement structures and what lessons we have learned from this which can be used by researchers looking to design similar structures. We also have several videos which have been co-designed with patient advisors to highlight the importance of walking, how patient data was used in the study, and the impact that patient involvement has had on the work for Mobilise-D.

Our Patient and Public Advisory Group

This important work was guided by the invaluable contributions of our patients and public advisors. Our patient and public advisory group consisted of over 12 members who shared their perspectives, insights and advice with us. They worked alongside us to:

  •       Develop research protocols
  •       Co-write papers
  •       Co-design videos
  •       Present their perspectives at conferences
  •       Co-design questionnaires
  •       and much more.

They were equal partners throughout the study. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each of them for their work on this project.

Tom Forman Hardy

Wealth management

Tom McQuillan


John Linnell

Research Associate

Federica Balzani

Coordinator at AISM

Isabel Saraiva
Dominique Hamerlijnck

Patient Expert

Koen Van den Brande

Veteran of Banking Technology software industry

Tova Gur Arieh

Resource Development Director

Norman Sutton

Retired (M&E; Construction)

Jaak Duysens

Professor Emeritus

Werner Remmele


Francesco Benvenuti
Francesco Benvenuti

Retired Medical Doctor and Geriatrician